Friday, April 14, 2017

The One who calls you is Faithful

Mwenayo balebe! (Greetings to you all!) Mureyna? (How are you?) Yesu asimibwe. (Jesus be thanked). Those are just some sample greetings that I have learned-I finally started my language lessons a few weeks ago, and have loved learning and being able to practice what I'm learning as I go into the field with M:MM. My tongue gets twisted at times, but I just have to keep practicing.

A lot has happened since my last update, but I'll try to summarize well! Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! It has been great to be able to feel supported from you, and keep up with you as well.  I can happily say that Uganda is feeling more and more like home, and that this feels like my life; it isn't a dream and it isn't someone else's. I am still so happy to be here!

I have continued to love spending time with the Soita family, and there have been countless moments of laughter with them, and have really felt like I am a part of the family. I have loved seeing firsthand how they bless people, and have loved having deeper relationships form. This is a major answer to prayer.

Some verses that have become a new favorite for me since coming here are from 1 Thessalonians 5: 23-24, they say "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one Who calls you is faithful, and He will do it." This has become my daily reminder here, and I have been shown this in daily life here.  I am remembering over and over that God is the one that cleanses me. He has called me here, and while I have had some difficulties (pain and loneliness), He has been faithful to me, and is tangibly answering prayers. I also see this in the communities I am working in-life is really hard right now. Many people have died, there is famine and drought, few jobs, much illness, and there was a break-in in the M:MM office. These are serious hardships, but I have learned so much from the faith of those around me, that are truly relying on God and His mercies, and remembering His promises and that above all He is God. I am seeing how God cares so well for me, and looks out for us in very real ways.

The M:MM office has been up and running full time now since the 2.5 weeks it was closed for planting, and I have really loved being more involved and seeing how things are done. I have gone on multiple field meetings and home visits, where we see how community members are doing and checking in on their 14 points of a healthy home. The 14 points are a major teaching point of M:MM, and in doing these home visits I have seen their impact and heard testimonies of how people's lives have been changed through the work God is doing through M:MM. Some people I met with shared that they became Christians through attending M:MM meetings, their income is more stable, their health is improved, and their gardens are producing more yields. They have gained much knowledge about how every area of their lives are connected, and how their relationship with God is most important for those other relationships to flourish. They feel empowered and are then able to share what they're learning with their neighbors, and the blessings from this knowledge ripples out to bless the community. Some examples of the 14 points are a rubbish pit, clean compound, a pit latrine with a place to wash hands, a dish rack, drying line for clothes. These may seem like basic things, but together make a huge difference in the lives and health of people in the communities here.  The M:MM staff are so faithful to this work, and I have been encouraged to celebrate the small victories, because in development work those are big! I also attended a meeting in Muyembe, an area that M:MM has "phased out" of-they go there quarterly to check in on how things are going and hear what needs there may be and any praises/testimonies of what the Lord has done. The group in this community have now taken what they've learned and are going out to a different community called Namatiti, and using what they've learned from M:MM to help empower and bless those in that area. The sharing of knowledge is a big part of life here in Uganda-there is definitely a collectivist attitude, and no one is left behind. If one person learns something new, they teach their friends and family members so that others may be blessed and move forward too. This has been very encouraging to me.

There is another intern here, Shannon, that will be with M:MM through June. Together, we have started more course work with M:MM, learning more principles of community development work, and of the work M:MM does. An example that is applicable for this part of the world is Bible storying- as I've written before, Uganda has an oral culture, and people learn through stories. M:MM does devotions through Bible stories, because often the people they are going to see may not have a Bible. There a specific list of questions that go along with telling the story, to help guide learning and understanding. I am excited for all that I'm learning and will continue to learn, and to apply it to health teachings! I've learned everywhere is a classroom here, and have enjoyed asking questions about what is happening around me and learning every day.

Here are some pictures and summaries/stories of what else I've been up to-

This is Florence, and her granddaughter Wendy. Florence is one of the CDA's (community development agents) that M:MM is working with in Busabulo. She shared about how her faith has grown in working with M:MM and that she feels empowered to lead Bible studies. She also shared about how she has learned more about farming and that she has been able to generate more income by implementing some of the strategies about farming from M:MM.  She also invited me to stay with her, so that is something to look forward to as well. The generosity and hospitality of people here is such a beautiful picture and reminder of how we are to treat each other-serving and loving one another.

Here I am planting beans with Sam. Sam's extended family has some shared land, and I enjoyed meeting more of his family, including a sister as well as Anne's aunt and mother, Margaret. The scenery was beautiful here as well, and and I enjoyed learning something new. I look forward to continuing to learn about agriculture and farming, as I know virtually nothing!

This is the M:MM staff! They are each so kind, welcoming, and faithful to the work that God has called them to. I have been blessed to know them and learn from them.

This is me with Hope, the grand daughter to one of my coworkers, Solomon. I was able to spend a few days at his home, and loved getting to know his family and seeing where he comes from. His daughter, Birah, is a nurse too and has become a friend. I look forward to staying with them again.

This is me with Phiona, the wife of Seth Soita and Shannon.These girls are tangible answers to prayer in my life, as I had been missing girlfriends. We have really enjoyed spending time together, dancing, laughing, talking and preparing food/eating. Shannon is from Atlanta. We are very similar, and have already become good friends. God is good! 

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