Wednesday, December 28, 2016


It is crazy to think that I am only two short weeks away from departing for Uganda for the year! It has been a bit surreal to me that it is actually happening. I still have a lot to do before I leave, but also feel relaxed in a way. I think I just have peace that this is the right thing for me, and am trusting the Lord that everything will come together.

I have been enjoying time with family, especially for the holidays. It is neat to think that next Christmas I will likely be celebrating in Uganda. I am really excited to spend more time in Uganda, and learn different traditions that they have, and share traditions with those I get to know. I know that the next year will look a lot different for me, but can't wait to see what it has in store.

Please be praying as I continue to get things ready, that things will come together smoothly. Also pray that I will let go of control a bit; I tend to think of myself as a flexible person, but this experience will put flexibility into a whole new perspective. I will be stretched and pulled, but am eager to see what I am shaped into. I know that the Lord has good for me in Uganda, and I've already been shown a lot of good in preparation.

The count down is on! If you are reading this and want to get email updates from me, send me a message. Also, I still have support that needs to be raised, and you can go here to donate!