Saturday, August 12, 2017

Everything's Not Lost

“When I counted up my demons, saw there’s one for every day. With the good ones on my shoulder, I drove the other ones away.” That's right, the opening line of this update is from a wonderful song called “Everything’s Not Lost” by Coldplay.  Now, that may sound depressing or hopeless, but I’m not! But this has been the darkest month I’ve had  in Uganda.  It has been a mix of homesickness, adjusting to new dynamics because of multiple transitions/changes, physical pain and confusion about the future.  I was reminded of this song a week or so ago after talking on the phone with my beloved sister, Ariel.  A lesson that I’ve been learning lately is that the devil, as we know, just wants to kill and destroy us as believers.  He does not play fair, and will use whatever means necessary to drag us down and away from the purposes God has for us. But, as believers the devil has no power over us! 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 “ ‘Where, O death is your victory? Where, O death is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I’ve learned that if I allow myself to be susceptible or weakened spiritually, the devil and his lies will prey upon me and start to sound like the truth.  But truly, thanks be to God for His patience and mercy for me.  I just want to follow Him, and know that I am here for His purpose. Of that I am assured, even in this harder time.

As I mentioned, there has been a shift in dynamics here at M:MM.  I have been struggling with loneliness due to friends leaving and others having very busy schedules. But I’m trying to be open to what God is teaching me, and have already seen Him answer prayer by providing me with a new friendship in Harriet and her sweet 10 year old son, Shafiq. In getting to know her, I’ve remembered the value in our stories and how we have so much to learn from one another. Just as Jesus’ disciples feared the storm in Matthew 8, I have been fearing the future and some situations around me. But, I’ve learned that He doesn’t want me to focus on the waves, instead to focus on Him and trust that He can calm the waves, and He is with me. It’s been a difficult journey of relying on God-what does that mean in daily life? I am still learning about that one!

I feel like the root of all this is about identity. What do I place that in? My family? Where I am from? Where I belong? Friends? I have felt like God is breaking me down and stripping things away that weren’t healthy, with the ultimate goal of being rebuilt.  I am praying that I would be faithful to Him and honor Him, having a firm foundation.  I have been focusing on “where do I belong?” Because Uganda is home. But then so is Minnesota. I know I wrote about “home” in my last update, but it stays with me.  Just this past week, I had three people in one day tell me, “Sydney, you were born to stay in Africa.” That was an encouragement to me.  I’ve come to a place where I need to not compare Minnesota and Uganda.  Both are good, and both are home.  I’m still praying to God for guidance about the future, especially after my year here ends. I’d like to get my Master’s in public/community health.  Of one thing I’m sure-my passion for this place and these people won’t expire come February.  I’m just praying for grace as I plan for the next step, and balance still being present in this one.  Please pray with me as I do so.

Now, this all sounds very dreary, perhaps. But I’ve learned that this is my life, and so there are difficult seasons.  God is still with me, has me here for a purpose, and will keep me. There has been much goodness as well! A highlight from this month was going for safari with my friend Shannon, and her team from the Navigators. It was so good to be reunited with them and take in the beauty of nature.  We saw many amazing animals! It was a good reminder in being present and open-our car broke down on the way, but that allowed us to meet some friends along the road and ride in an open truck at sunset, so really it was like an extra game ride! ;) I saw in this little instance how things don’t always go how we plan, but they can often go better and God is weaving things together for a reason.

At work, things have been a bit slower this month due to a variety of reasons-planting, rain, illness, death and bad roads.  I’ve been more of a ‘jack of all trades” here, and not just using my medical knowledge.  But, my dad encouraged me that I’m helping M:MM in ways they need, and I am happy for that. I want to be used however will be most helpful.  I have prepared some lessons about nutrition to train the staff and communities, and would like to train on malaria (a big need!), HIV/AIDS and elevated blood pressure. I am excited for these upcoming things and pray that people would learn and be blessed!

-Meeting new people and trying new things, even little things-like getting my hair cut or making maize. I always want to be a learner
-That Jesus is our constant through any storm
-Growth in confidence in recent months
-Ability to connect with people here

Prayer Requests:
-Adjustment to all the above mentioned transitions/new dynamics
-Self-confidence and initiative as I enter my second half of my time here, especially with trainings in communities
-That I wouldn't allow Satan to tempt me with lies, but would stand on the truth in scripture about where my identity is found in

MUCH love to you all! I hope that you are pushing on well and enjoying each day!


Elephants reign supreme in the animal kingdom! Seriously my favorite favorite.  We saw lions, leopards, giraffes, hippos, antelope and buffalo. We also met the winner of Indian Idol, and got a little concert! Random but so fun.

Jesska, is receiving a Bible in Lumasaaba, the local language in this area.  As she was receiving it, something she said struck me, “When you give a Bible, you give the whole world.” I’ve been praying to have that mindset about God’s word, and have an increased hunger to read it. 

This is James, a friend and someone that M:MM has worked with for a long time! Through working with M:MM his life has turned around-he used to be an abusive alcoholic, but now is a pastor.  He disciples  his neighbors and is a joy to be around.  I just marvel at how God completely changes us when we have faith in Him; He desires for us all to know Him and has good things for those who love Him. I’ve seen through my time here how people, no matter where we’re from, have more in common than differences. 
This is Deborah, and her mom Juliet.  During home visiting this past week, my coworker Micah and I came to a house and they were there.  I didn’t realize at first, but Deborah was very sick.  I heard that she had just finished having a seizure, and when I went to her she had a high fever.  They were sure she had malaria, but didn’t have a way to get treatment.  I helped with some first aid to try to lower her temperature, and prayed for them.  I asked Micah what we could do for them, and he said “what does your heart tell you?” I left some money with them for treatment, and have been praying for healing for her.  Just that morning, I had forgotten my wallet and thought, Oh I won’t need it. But something told me to bring it.  It was a moment where I felt like that was right where we were supposed to be.  I am praying for Deborah, and ask for your prayers as well! With treatment, she should be recovered soon. 

I want to ride my bicycle…Yes I am now on the streets on Mbale, getting many stares and honks.  But this bike has been a good way to have self care and exercise. I’m so grateful for it! Makes me feel more like me!