Thursday, May 18, 2017

Everything is Spiritual

Greetings to you all from the beautiful pearl of Africa, where the people greet you warmly with big smiles, the rain comes quickly (I’ve gotten stuck in it a few times!), my feet are almost always dirty, laughter abounds in the midst of hardships and relationships take priority.  I have been here for three months now. Time is flying by, but God is good and I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity and for all that has happened thus far. Thank you for your prayers.

Life has been busy, which has been really good, but also a challenge at times.  I have had a difficult time balancing being intentional with relationships, learning (which can be constant), ministry work, and time for myself. There have been times where I’ve felt overwhelmed with how to prioritize things, and have not been allowing time for myself as much as I probably need. This has made me vulnerable prey for the enemy. I have struggled with balancing being present in the moment, and planning/praying for the future. I want to be wise and seek God and what He has for me. I am praying for wisdom and insight about what is next for me, and how what I am learning and experiencing now is connected to that.  It makes me dizzy at times to think about all the possibilities, but I know that as I seek the Lord, He will reveal His will for me to me. I am learning how to care for myself so that I can care better for others. But I have loved the feeling that life is full-not just my schedule but more so feeling that I am where God wants me and He is the one that sustains me and keeps me. I have had such peace about being here, and that is all to the glory of God. Several weeks ago, on a drive home at sunset after a joy-filled day in the community, I got emotional just thinking about my love for this place, the people and a deep gratitude that I get to live among and learn from them. I felt sure that this is where God wants me, despite different struggles I may have or being people-sick for family and friends back home. I worry less here. Usually I worry often-am I doing the right thing, what will the future be like, will I ever get married etc.  But since being here I worry less and try to take things a day at a time, as they come.  I trust that God is with me and is for me, and therefore I shall not fear. He is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27:1).

Nabweye, one of the first communities that M:MM has worked in, is a beautiful testimony to the work God is doing through this ministry. I was fortunate to be able to go to a meeting with some of this community’s leaders, and hear how their lives have changed. The environment looks completely different-crops are growing well, trees are in plenty, homes are kept well, etc.  Spiritually many people have come to know the Lord and are attending Bible studies regularly, and members are eager to read Scripture, especially in Lumasaaba (getting Lumasaaba bibles has been a big challenge).  One woman shared how many more people would probably be dead from diarrheal diseases, but because of the knowledge they acquired from M:MM about pit latrines, those diseases are virtually non-existent in the community. Praise God! I met with “the originals”-some older men that are the first that M:MM worked with, and it was so neat to see how two more generations have come out because they were faithful to this work and desired to share the knowledge so that others may reach their potential as well. I am humbled to see and hear how God is moving, and honored to be a part of this amazing ministry.

An idea that I have been learning and have been challenged in is this: what isn’t spiritual? God is the creator and sustainer of ALL things, and Jesus came to redeem all things, back to their former glory.  We pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven” but what does this mean?  God cares deeply about each and every thing; He desires to redeem every nook and cranny in me, but also wants to redeem my home, family, environment, community, neighbors etc. This is a foundational concept of M:MM’s work, but it is something I’ve really been thinking and processing through this month.  I have also been learning more about the importance of meeting people where they are at, coming from their perspective and honoring the way they process things.  This includes preaching the gospel-it needs to be presented in a way that people understand, so that they may take more ownership and have a deeper understanding of the Grace that has been freely given to them.

Here are some pictures and summaries of other things I’ve learned/done/seen:

This Easter I learned and was reminded how I don’t need to hold onto things that have hurt me, because Jesus finished them, and desires for me to walk in the Light, along His perfect and pleasing will. 


I have loved staying with my coworkers-both Papa Solomon and Papa John have opened their homes to me and Shannon, and conversations with them have really filled me and allowed me to know their stories more. I’ve learned that relationships don’t have to be hard, and have enjoyed stopping by places in town to greet friends I’ve met there, and learning more about them. 
These are leaders in Busiu, one of the newer communities that M:MM is working in. I asked my Papa here, the director of M:MM, what the biggest change is in this area and he shared how there used to be much poisoning of others, witchcraft and idol worship, but now people are coming to trust in Jesus instead of those things. It gives me goosebumps! Praise God! 
I ate ants! The taste wasn’t bad, but I couldn’t get the idea that I was eating bugs out of my head. White ants are a delicacy for the Bamasaaba (the people group that I’m living among) and so I wanted to try. Not pictured is me eating a grasshopper, a delicacy of the Baganda (a different group).
I loved leading a Bible study with the youth in Nabweye on Psalm 8: 3-4 and how God is mindful of us among all creation. Even though there were some language barriers, it was a great reminder about how in heaven we will all be together, praising the same God.